Il a publié en septembre 2007 Ousmane Sembène : une conscience africaine (Paris: Editions Homnisphères), une biographie autorisée sur le cinéaste et écrivain Sembène Ousmane.
En 2009, il débute avec Jason Silverman le projet de coréalisation du documentaire SEMEBENE! (portrait du cinéaste-écrivain sénégalais).
Samba Gadjigo (writer/producer/director) is the world's foremost expert on the career of Ousmane Sembène. His biography
Ousmane Sembène: Une Conscience Africaine (Homnispheres, Paris, 2007), which covers Sembène's life from his birth in 1923 to the writing of his first book in 1956, will be published in English by the University of Indiana Press in late 2009. Born and raised in Senegal, Gadjigo joined the faculty of Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass., in 1986, is former chair of the French Department and member of the African American and African Studies departments. Gadjigo has lectured widely on Sembène and on African cinema, literature and culture at institutions including Harvard and Brown universities. He is director of The Making of Moolaade, a documentary that was shown at film festivals and is available on the DVD of Sembène's award-winning film Moolaade.
En 2009, il débute avec Jason Silverman le projet de coréalisation du documentaire SEMEBENE! (portrait du cinéaste-écrivain sénégalais).
Samba Gadjigo (writer/producer/director) is the world's foremost expert on the career of Ousmane Sembène. His biography
Ousmane Sembène: Une Conscience Africaine (Homnispheres, Paris, 2007), which covers Sembène's life from his birth in 1923 to the writing of his first book in 1956, will be published in English by the University of Indiana Press in late 2009. Born and raised in Senegal, Gadjigo joined the faculty of Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass., in 1986, is former chair of the French Department and member of the African American and African Studies departments. Gadjigo has lectured widely on Sembène and on African cinema, literature and culture at institutions including Harvard and Brown universities. He is director of The Making of Moolaade, a documentary that was shown at film festivals and is available on the DVD of Sembène's award-winning film Moolaade.