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Fêtes légales: Le lendemain du Magal, déclaré jour pont et férié

Rédigé le Jeudi 23 Septembre 2021 à 23:21 | Lu 267 fois | 6 commentaire(s)

Macky Sall, après avoir instruit le paiement des salaires à partir de ce jeudi 23 septembre 2021, a signé un décret pour permettre aux fidèles de célébrer sereinement, le Magal à Touba.

D'après un communiqué du ministre du Travail, Samba Sy, le président de la République a décrété le lundi 27 septembre 2021, journée fériée. Donc, les fonctionnaires ne vont pas au travail ce lundi.

Et pour le Ministre du travail, le Chef de l'Etat "met de la sorte en vigueur l'article 8 du décret n°74-1125 du 19 novembre 1974, fixant le régime de la Fête nationale et du 1er Mai et celui des autres fêtes légales".

1.Posté par DeborahSmith le 24/09/2021 04:37
I've made $84,000 so far this year working online and I'm a full time student. I’m using an online business opportunity I heard about and I've made such great money. It's really user friendly and I'm just so happy that I found out about it. The potential with this is endless
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2.Posté par Ploust le 24/09/2021 05:21
THE GREAT JOBS OF USA BOYS GIRLS AND OLDERS [ JOIN US ] ★My last month paycheck was for 15000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour on......

3.Posté par Ploust le 24/09/2021 05:22
THE GREAT JOBS OF USA BOYS GIRLS AND OLDERS [ JOIN US ] ★My last month paycheck was for 15000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour on......

4.Posté par Ploust le 24/09/2021 05:22
THE GREAT JOBS OF USA BOYS GIRLS AND OLDERS [ JOIN US ] ★My last month paycheck was for 15000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour on......

5.Posté par Ploust le 24/09/2021 05:23
THE GREAT JOBS OF USA BOYS GIRLS AND OLDERS [ JOIN US ] ★My last month paycheck was for 15000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour on......

6.Posté par Ploust le 24/09/2021 05:30
I've made $84,000 so far this year working online and I'm a full time student. I’m using an online business opportunity I heard about and I've made such great money. It's really user friendly and I'm just so happy that I found out about it. The potential with this is endless
Here’s what I do...

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